Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Matchup Progress

As you can see at the :37 second mark i successfully did an option select!!!!! I was so happy i did it that i forgot to do it the whole match. If i had option selected at the :54 and 3:08 mark I would've won.
Oh well, i'll take this as a win for me.

Here were my available jump in OS

Generally speaking option select DP will beat Bisons Ex.Pyscho, Ex.Scissors, Ex.Dr (LP DP sets up ultra for Ryu) and backdash wake up options. Ex.Stomp whiffs and in this event he strength of the DP used determines who recovers quicker. The timing of the original jump in can cause this moves to whiff each other, trade or even occasionally have Bison win but more than likely Ryu will win out right. The stronger the strength DP used the more likely Ryu is going to win outright as the harder strength DP's have more invincible frames.

Option select Tatsu to catch backwards teleporting Bison, backdash and beat out Ex.Psycho. Bison can beat this with Ex.Scissor which beats Tatsu or forward teleport (which is insanely risky for Bison as it leaves him wide open if Ryu did not OS and sometimes Ryu's OS will auto correct and punish anyway) and then punish with Ultra 2. Ex.Stomp and Ex.DR whiff and leaves both players safe.

Option select Ex.Tatsu will beat Ex.PC and juggles to ultra in the corner. But it looses to EX.Stomp. EX.Dr and Teleport allow Bison out. Ex.Scissors passes through Ex.Tatsu and Bison recovers slightly quicker and may be able to punish Ryu but not with anything serious. 

- Credit goes to Azza @ the srk forums

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